My 2020 Reading List


I wonder if more people have been reading since the start of the pandemic? Or if we’ve all simply given up and binged Netflix instead? I’m guilty of having done both. Still, I’m always excited to read fantastic new books. In fact, one of my favorite things about reading is that it’s always an adventure. You never know when you are going to find that next book that will inspire you to make a change, try something new, or one that simply makes you never want to put it down. I’ve read several books like that this year. Here were some of my favorites.

Brideshead Revisited

Topping the chart, we’ll start with Brideshead Revisited. I’ve been a fan of the BBC version of this fantastic story for some time. And if you’ve been following my blog closely, you might have already read my article about the book. I’m not going to bother you with the details of why this book is so amazing here. For me, it simply did something for me when I read it. I can’t really say what. But taking a dip into this book is a wonderful sensation, if you don’t even bother with the fact that the story is superb (if a little strange).

Walt Disney: An American Original

Back at the beginning of this whole pandemic, my wife reintroduced me to Disney. I have to admit, I’ve not had a lot of interest in anything Disney since I was a child. I thought it was mostly kid’s stuff and not very interesting or engaging. I was wrong. There’s a lot to be gleaned from the wonderful world of Disney. Several Disney + documentaries later and I found myself engrossed in the story of the founder of all this magic – the great Walt Disney himself.

For any dreamer, creator, and underdog, the story of Walt is a fantastic one worth looking into.

Wise Blood by Flannery O’Connor

I can’t tell you how long I’ve had this book lying around my house, but I did finally read it. And I wasn’t let down. A relatively short novel – not much longer than 40,000 words – Wise Blood paints a very…strange vision of the American dream. I don’t feel like even that encompasses just how strange and how powerful this book is. It left me feeling empty, wanting more. At the end of the day, that’s how you should feel after a great book, right?

Make Noise: A Creator's Guide to Podcasting and Great Audio

I picked this book up at a Barnes & Noble all the way back in February. I didn’t know the author, and I didn’t know anything about podcasting. After reading this book, I knew a lot about both. Whether you are a podcaster or just a creator, I recommend this book. It gives great insight into creating content and what makes great content great: the story.

Of course, I’ve read many more books, but these have stood out the most and had the biggest impact. What did you read this year so far?

Joseph Anderson

About the Author: Joseph is the founder of You can learn more about him on the about page.


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