Pokemon TCG: Pokemon GO Set – Radiant Pokemon Overview

Pokemon TCG: Pokemon GO Set – Radiant Pokemon Overview

Sure, there’s plenty to be excited about in the latest expansion from Pokemon TCG. The Pokemon GO TCG set includes cards like Mewtwo VSTAR and neat “Ditto” cards that reveal something else underneath. However, the cards I’m most excited about from this set are the Radiant cards.

If you aren’t already familiar with the Radiant cards – they are a new type of Pokemon card with a rule box that makes it so you can only have one single radiant card in your deck at any given time. If the play cards like Radiant Greninja have received so far are any indication of what’s in store for the impact Radiant cards can have on the meta, then be prepared to see these three Radiant Pokemon in play quite often.

Radiant Charizard

Given the fact that Fire is weak in the current meta, I doubt Radiant Charizard will see much competitive play. That being said, it’s a wonderfully collectable card, fetching quite a lofty price online right now. Of course, if you want to add Radiant Charizard to your collection, you can purchase it on eBay. Although many prefer the thrill of getting him from a pack.

I see some great uses for Radiant Charizard in my Entei V deck list. Late game, Charizard can be powered up with Magma basin and then swapped in for a clean KO against your opponent.

Radiant Venusaur

Unlike Radiant Charizard, I think Radiant Venusaur could see a lot of play. The ability to draw until you have four cards in your hand at the end of the turn AFTER attacking would work well with any deck, with some possibly preferring it over Radiant Greninja’s ability. After all, you don’t need an energy in your hand to benefit from a passive draw system.

I also like this card’s attack. With the combo of its ability and attack, I could see it going very well with my Leafeon VMAX deck list, perhaps using a card like Gardenia’s Vigor to power it up more quickly.

Get Radiant Venusaur on eBay.

Radiant Blastoise

Last but not least, Radiant Blastoise is an interesting card and could very well see some play. Due to the primacy of Water decks right now thanks to Palkia, players could leverage Blastoise as a way to add on some extra damage or snipe Pokemon without the need to evolve a Quick Shooting Inteleon. However, when pitted against Radiant Greninja, most decks will likely still prefer Greninja’s ability to let you draw cards over the damage output Blastoise is capable of.

Get Radiant Blastoise on eBay.

Joseph Anderson

About the Author: Joseph is the founder of JosephWriterAnderson.com. You can learn more about him on the about page.


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