I Pulled the Most Expensive UNION ARENA Demon Slayer Card: Tanjiro Serialized

I’m the first person in the world to pull a serialized Tanjiro from the English version of UNION ARENA.

I actually did it. And It wasn’t from buying a case or two or three. I pulled the Tanjiro serialized card number seventy-five from two random booster boxes I bought at a local game shop.

My heart almost stopped.

Just moments before pulling the actual card itself the thought went fleetingly through my mind “what if I pulled the serialized rare? Wouldn’t that be cool?”

The experience of pulling this card from a random booster box is so surreal that my memories around how it actually happened are almost a blur. Did I have a premonition I would pull this thing or does it just seem that way now looking back because I actually did pull the card?

Either way, now that I’ve had some time to calm down (although I do periodically drop in on my card to see how it’s doing), I though I’d dig into the nitty gritty of serialized UNION ARENA cards and figure how much it is that they are actually worth.

First, what exactly is a serialized UNION ARENA card?

Playing TCGs is only half the fun. The other reason why we can’t get enough of them is because of how collectible they are. Many, many cards are worth serious money, and that’s just as true in UNION ARENA as any other card game.

In fact, it might be even more true in UA because unlike other card games this one doesn’t stop at offering just rare alternate arts of cards: for added rarity you can actually pull unique, one-of-a-kind serialized cards.

These cards are so rare that there are only 100 of them in print. The first serialized rare released in the English version of the game was the Yuji Itadori triple star rare that came out in Jujutsu Kaisen.

People were pretty stoked to say the least to have the chance to pull a serialized card regardless of how unlikely doing so might be.

Itadori was followed by Lelouch Lamperouge getting a serialized in the Code Geass set, and now Tanjiro has his own serialized card as part of the Demon slayer set.

How valuable are serialized Union Arena cards?

The thing is, UNION ARENA is still a very new game – it’s been out for under a year in the US – so we don’t really know a lot of information on how valuable serialized rare cards are. I doubt many have even been sold yet – perhaps not all of them have even been found yet.

That being said, one current auction on eBay for the Yuji Itadori Serialized card is going for over $1500. I think it’s fair to say that the serialized rare cards are worth at least that, and they honestly could be worth more depending on factors like how popular the card is, and even what exact number in the series the card is.

Adding serialized rare cards into the mix in UNION ARENA was a very smart, strategic decision that’s added just a little bit more excitement to chasing this set. It just goes to show how hot this game is and it doesn’t look like it’s slowing down anytime soon. Stay tuned on my site for more updates because if I actually manage to sell this thing I’ll have a better idea for you how much it is worth! Right now, you an check out the auction for this card live on eBay!

Joseph Anderson

About the Author: Joseph is the founder of JosephWriterAnderson.com. You can learn more about him on the about page.


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