10 Strongest Disney Heroes Ranked

If you’re familiar with the Villainous game from Disney, then you’re used to battling it out between different villains for ultimate power. However, there are just as many powerful Disney good guys as there are bad guys. But how do their powers match up? Here’s this list we put together based on extensive research into the Disney canon on who the strongest Disney Heroes are of all time.

Who’s the best of the best? Find out!

10. Hercules

Hercules biggest problem is his inferiority complex. He doesn’t fit in with humans, and he’s not quite on par with the gods on Olympus. However, he eventually figures out his place in the world – and that is being a super strong demi god. However, he’s pretty gullible and naive, which is almost his undoing. However, his act of goodness is enough to make him gain his godly powers back. He’s one of the toughest heroes not only in the Greek Pantheon, but in the Disney one, too.

9. Merlin

During a time of creative absence on the part of Walt, Disney creatives modeled Merlin after the great Walt Disney himself, so it’s no wonder that Merlin is one of the most powerful heroes in all of Disney’s canon. He can see into the future, travel through time, cast spells, and more.

8. Philip

Philip is often forgotten, even though he bested one of the strongest Disney Villains of all time. Of course, he had some considerable help in the process of overcoming Maleficent, but that doesn’t take away from his absolute courage in the face of incredible evil.

7. Jack Skellington

Jack’s the badass of Halloween town. And that’s pretty impressive given Halloween Town is inhabited by monsters. He’s so scary and strong that even the evil Oogey Boogey fears him.

Of course, Jack Skellington is also sort of the bad guy of his own film – after all, he basically ends Christmas, as well as kidnaps Santa Clause. Luckily he’s able to get it together by the end of the film and set things right.

6. The Genie

The Genie’s power is virtually limitless. However, he’s not free to use that magic for himself, instead forced to serve another master.

5. Triton

Triton is, without a doubt, the most powerful being in the sea. His greatest weakness, it turns out, is his love for his daughter. That’s enough to cripple him for a while. Luckily, his daughter and gang come to the rescue and restore to him his rightful power.

4. The Beast

Ironically, the same spell that turned the young prince into a beast also made him incredibly strong. He’s able to easily best Gaston, who is pretty much the ultimate alpha male, not to mention a pack of hungry wolves.

The Beast’s main weakness is his melancholy and sensitive nature, which is also the thing that’s able to save him in the end.

3. Mulan

Although not a man, Mulan is able to go to war and use her courage and cunning to defeat an entire army and even save china. Enough said.

2. Mufasa

Mufasa is the strongest lion on pride rock. Of course, his cunning brother isn’t really happy about that given he wants to rule Pride Rock. However, when given the chance he does a pretty bad job at it, turning the country side into a waste land that nobody wants to live in anymore. Anyways, Mufasa is at the top of the food chain, and even is able to return after death in a way to motivate his lazy son to return and be king.

1. Elsa

Of all the most powerful heroes, Elsa is one of the strongest. She can shoot icicles from her wrist, and control the powers of winter. As if she weren’t powerful enough in the first Frozen movie (where she was strong enough to cast an endless winter on an entire town), her powers become even greater in Frozen 2.

Joseph Anderson

About the Author: Joseph is the founder of JosephWriterAnderson.com. You can learn more about him on the about page.


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