Disney Villainous Evil Queen Strategy Guide

Disney Villainous Evil Queen

The Evil Queen in Snow White (and known by no other name than that) is one of the oldest villains in all of Disney’s history, and as such it’s fitting that she would also be one of the best playable characters in Disney Villainous. However, that doesn’t mean she’s easy to play. In this guide, we’re going to give you a full strategic overview of how to play and win as the Evil Queen in Disney Villainous.

Disney Villainous Evil Queen Basic Strategy

The Evil Queen has to kill Snow White in order to win.

But doing that is easier said than done.

  1. First, you have to be able to play Snow White from your Fate deck. However, typically it’s only through opponent’s actions that heroes would get played to your realm. And what player in their right mind is going to offer up Snow White freely to you?

  2. Even if you manage to get Snow White onto your realm, you aren’t allowed to access her in the cottage until you’ve put together your special brew (play four different ingredients).

  3. To make things worse, you have to physically be present in the Dwarve’s Cottage (or at least your Token has to be), and you have to play Take a Bite from your hand.

  4. If that’s not difficult enough, you also have to have brewed enough poison to take Snow White Out.

  5. And it’s not like your opponent or the Seven Dwarves are just going to let you waltz in and kill Snow White. They’re all going to team up on you and try their darndest to stop you.

The Evil Queen Has Many Tricks Up Her Sleeve to Help You Win

That might all sound a bit overwhelming so you should probably relax, sit back and take a breather. It’s not as bad ad you might think. The Evil Queen, after all, has an incredible arsenal of cards to help get you out of trouble. She even has a card to help you bring Snow White out of your Fate deck and into the Cottage.

The Evil Queen’s Key Cards

While every card is important, some cards are absolutely key to winning as the Evil Queen. Let’s look at what those key cards are and how you should use them to your advantage.

Magic Mirror

Disney Villainous Evil Queen

The Magic Mirror is necessary to get Snow White into her cottage.

Mirror Mirror on the wall…Of course this item had to be there. More than any other card, it’s vital that you get this one into play, and use it instantly to bring Snow White onto the field. The Evil Queen has Fate cards that are able to remove items from her realm so don’t be duped!

If you can wait to play this later on in the game, you’ll probably have better luck. If you play Snow White too early, your opponent could end up powering her up with a bunch of Pick Axes.

The Ingredients

The Ingredients you’ll need to play as the Evil Queen are less about their ability to help you win and more just the fact that you need four of them in play to unlock the Cottage and kill Snow White. Still, the Ingredients can help you cover core areas of your game, and not just check boxes.

  • Black of Night is an incredibly useful card that can be leveraged to gain extra power. The more power you can get, the more it can be used to brew into poison!

  • Scream of Fright can help you move heroes around so that you can avoid having to kill them yourself.

  • The other two are a little less useful but can be helpful in gaining extra power to then be used to brew into Poison or pay the Magic Mirror’s activation cost.

I’ll Fix Ya! Makes Vanquishing Heroes A Moot Point

Disney Villainous Evil Queen

Don’t bother vanquishing heroes in your realm. Just play I’ll Fix Ya for no cost and get access to hidden abilities.

As it so happens, this card is actually pretty broken. A common strategy people use to keep you from winning is to cover your Fate action, limiting your ability to mess with their board. However, with I’ll Fix Ya! there’s not much your opponent can do. Once you unlock the cottage, every action should be fair game.

This is especially good for the Evil Queen because she wants to avoid vanquishing enemies as much as possible, preferring instead to save up her poison for a killing stroke against Snow White.

Black Magic is an Insane Drawing Effect

Disney Villainous Evil Queen

Pull key cards when you need them with this powerful effect card.

There are a lot of moving pieces involved in the Evil Queen’s victory condition. But what makes it work partly is that she has such strong drawing abilities. Of those, none is more powerful than Black Magic. With Black Magic, you can easily pull out the missing Ingredient you need or the Magic Mirror to summon Snow White.

This could be one of the best cards not only in the Evil Queen’s deck, but in all of Villainous.

Cards You Should Discard

Given Villainous isn’t a trading card game, we can’t just swap out cards we don’t like in favor of better ones. And the Evil Queen has her fair share of lackluster cards. While these cards could theoretically be useful, they often end up wasting valuable resources you could have spent on the key cards you really needed. A few of the cards that you are better of discarding include:

  • Jealousy: winning as the Evil Queen is only possible if you are drawing the cards you need. Taking up unnecessary space in your hand is much worse than holding onto this card in hopes of moving a single poison over. You should discard this card the moment you get it, and only use it if you happen to have it in your hand.

  • The Huntsman isn’t a very powerful ally, as you can easily just convert poison instead of playing him.

  • You only need one Take a Bite to win, however the Evil Queen’s Fate Deck does have cards that can discard from your hand. Keeping one or two around can be helpful but only if its not slowing your attempts to get the cards you need.

The Evil Queen Doesn’t Need All Her Items

The Evil Queen gets four different items included in her deck, but you don’t need all four, and you won’t get the chance to use all of them even if you happen to have them.

  • I wouldn’t bother with Magic Tomes unless you are desperate to get cards. Discarding your hand is just as effective and doesn’t cost power, and you already have Vanity and Black Magic to help you get the cards you need.

  • Throne is somewhat useless because you can offload your entire collection of power to your poison pool. You don’t need to add increments each turn.

  • The Evil Queen doesn’t benefit much from vanquishing foes, so there might not be many in your discard. The Box, therefore, has limited use.

The Evil Queen does need her her Magic Mirror, however, and you could probably make room for one of the above items in addition depending on your play style, setup and matchup. But you certainly don’t want to play all of them.

Evil Queen’s Main Weaknesses

  • With no allies to help her, heroes that get spread out across her realm before she has the chance to build momentum can really slow her down.

  • She is totally reliant on one copy of her most key card (Magic Mirror).

  • She can burn through power pretty quickly due to her Brew Poison Action

  • She doesn’t have a strong early game.

Final Tips on the Evil Queen’s Strategy

Despite being a bit complicated, the Evil Queen works and wins thanks to her powerful arsenal of Effects, Ingredients, and even her unique and powerful game board.

When Playing as the Evil Queen, you will want to avoid vanquishing heroes directly when at all avoidable (it’s not avoidable in the case of Doc), and instead move them around your realm strategically thanks to move hero action and Scream of Fright+Lighting Bolt.

Keep your hand running bare bones except for maybe a Take a Bite Effect card so you can draw the cards you need and take our Snow White before your board becomes overrun with her helpful henchman.

Joseph Anderson

About the Author: Joseph is the founder of JosephWriterAnderson.com. You can learn more about him on the about page.


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