Paldean Fates Pull Rates: Will You Get that Shiny Rare?

Paldean Fates has finally arrived, and with it a host of exciting Pokemon cards to collect. But what are your odds of pulling these rare and desirable cards from Paldean Fates products? Luckily, booster packs have been opened and pull rates have been analyzed, so we can give you a strong guess as to what your odds of pulling a certain type of card will be. Let’s look into it below!

Paldean Fates Pull Rates

Paldean Fates Hyper Rare Pull Rates

Hyper rare cards in Paldean Fates (like this one above) look a bit different than your typical hyper rares from other Pokemon sets. They have a really unique illustration that makes them look like they are blended into the card. Each hyper rare has the same teel background with the same colored Pokemon superimposed on it but traced in gold.

If you are looking at one of these cards in your Paldean Fates booster pack then you are in luck. These cards are incredibly rare with odds of getting it predicted to be less than 1%.

  • Less than 1% chance of pulling a hyper rare card.

  • 1/62 according to TCGplayer

  • 1/372 for a specific hyper rare

Paldean Fates Special Illustration Rare Pull Rates

Special illustration rare cards tend to be the ultimate chase cards of any set they are in, and that’s no exception for Paldean fates. However, your odds may be better getting a special illustration rare card than they are of pulling one of the elusive hyper rares. Multiple resources report somewhere between a 1 and 2 % pull rate for special illustration rare cards in Paldean Fates.

  • 1.5% chance of pulling a special illustration rare.

Paldean Fates Pull Rates: Ultra Rare Trainers

There are not a lot of ultra rare cards to pull in Paldean Fates. That being said, they’re pull rates aren’t terribly unreasonable, hovering around the 7% mark.

  • 7% chance of pulling an ultra rare.

Paldean Fates Illustration Rare Pull Rates

Your odds fair even better on the next rung up – illustration rares. While illustration rare cards may be typically less desireable and valuable than special illustration rare cards, you’d be suprirsed at just how much they can be worth. Recent sets like Pokemon 151 saw many illustration rare cards retain value quite well.

If illustration rare Pokemon cards are what you seek, you’ll have about an 8.5% chance of puling one. That’s pretty good considering their are only three of these cards in this set.

Shiny Ultra Rare Pull Rates in Paldean Fates

The shiny ultra rare Pokemon cards are among the most exciting to come out of Paldean Fates, with iconic cards like Pidgeot ex and Squawkabilly ex and even Gardevoir ex getting a turn in their shiny alternate forms. Maybe because of how many this set boasts, your odds are actually pretty good of pulling one of these epic cards. Just how good are your odds of pulling a shiny ultra rare card? Well, you’re probably looking at just under a 10% chance!

Double Rare Holo Pull Rates in Paldean Fates

Paldean Fates features many reprints of cards from other sets. Unlike last year’s special set around this time (Crown Zenith) however, not much changes in these reprints, not even the artwork. Still, some people are going to be excited about getting their favorite cards in these packs with a different set stamped on them. So if Double Rare cards like Charizard ex are your thing, you stand a pretty fair chance of collecting them: over a 13% chance to be specific.

Paldean Fates Pull Rates: Shiny Rare Holos

Last but not least, what is your odds of just pulling that shiny rare holo you want? While many shiny rare cards are getting a lot of attention online and selling for quite a bit, don’t expect it to last! These cards are not very hard to pull, with a forgiving pull rate of 25%

Are Paldean Fates Pull Rates good?

If you are seeking really, really rare special illustration rare cards or hyper rares, then you might be out of luck in this set. Pull rates for the most rare of rare cards don’t seem super great. However, if you’re just looking for a fun set to collect with good odds of getting something cool in every pack, then I couldn’t recommend Paldean Fates more. These packs are super fun to open, and with incredible 25% pull rates on desireable shiny rare cards, odds are good you’ll come back from every product you buy with something exciting.

Joseph Anderson

About the Author: Joseph is the founder of You can learn more about him on the about page.


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