Five Ways to Boost Your Imagination


Slowly, over the years, it happens to even the best of us. Our imaginations start to slip. Bogged down with our daily obligations, we forget the days we spent in our childhoods playing through lost worlds. But there’s a reason you shouldn’t let your imagination go, and a few simple steps to keep it sharp.

Do Something You Liked to Do as a Kid, Everyday

As we get older, and responsibilities pile up, it can get all too easy to never do things we like to do for ourselves. One way to overcome this inherent problem is to simply make a point of doing one thing that you liked to do as a kid everyday. It can be reading, writing, jogging, laughing, playing catch – whatever it is, getting in touch with things you used to do is a good way to keep your mind alive and focused on the things that really matter to you – not the circumstantial things you need to do to keep your bills paid on time.

Start an Epic Side Project

Not only does starting a side project give you an excellent outlet for your creativity, it also gives you something impressive to put on your resume. In fact, many employers are more impressed with your side project than with just the fact that you work full time. Just make sure that whatever project you decide to do on the side inspires you and uplifts you – not just adds more work to your plate.

Get Sleep and Exercise

Getting the proper sleep you need does wonders for innovative thinking. Getting enough of it will also help boost your imagination. Exercise, too, is important. Even something as simple as walking can help drive your creative process, filling your brain with oxygen, and boosting your sense of wonder.

Get Nostalgic

We oftentimes think of nostalgia as a somewhat negative thing – like being stuck in the past. But nostalgia is anything but negative. In fact, nostalgia offers some pretty surprising benefits. Feeling nostalgic can reduce stress, and even increase your sense of purpose and well being. Feeling down? Dive into your repository of nostalgic memories, or do something that dregs it up, like watching old movies or listening to old songs.


In our digital world, there are so many, many reasons to do anything other than read. There are endless shows to watch on Netflix, endless timelines to scroll through, and more. But if there’s any one thing you should do to keep your imagination fed, it is to read. Reading stimulates the creative receptors in our brains, and makes us more open to creative stimuli. So why not ditch the YouTube and pick up a book – any book. Your sense of well being will thank you later!

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Joseph Anderson

About the Author: Joseph is the founder of You can learn more about him on the about page.


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